Code of Conduct
- You must be a mental health consumer to receive services from Trillium Center, Inc.
- Our intent at Trillium is to be kind to each other. Be considerate of others. No verbal harassment.
Be respectful of all staff and members. Refrain from sexist, racist, ethnic, homophobic or insulting comments
while at Trillium.
- No unwanted or inappropriate touching; no sexually suggestive contact. No sexual harassment.
- No fighting. No rough housing.
- No drug or alcohol use or posession on premises.
- No vulgar or loud language.
- No one under 18 is allowed in Trillium.
- Smoking is allowed outside only. Please dispose of your butts properly.
- Wear gloves when preparing food.
- Eating is allowed in designated areas only. No eating or drinking at the computers.
- No loitering on the property when Trillium is closed.
- Appropriate attire and hygiene is expected at all times.
- No pornography, sexually suggestive, or violent material on the computers or television.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Keep phone calls to a 15 minute limit, less if others are waiting to use the phone.
- No panhandling. Do not ask visitors or staff for money.
- Trillium is NOT responsible for lost belongings.
- NO sleeping on couches.
- Trillium is not to be used as a substitution for therapy, medicine, Dr.'s appointments, etc. Trillium does not have trained therapists on staff.
Any violation of Trillium's Code of Conduct may result in you being asked to leave Trillium. This includes being asked to leave for the day, for a week or more, or even permanently.
Run by mental health consumers for mental health consumers.